Have you given your car the tender, loving care it needs to survive the ravages of winter? Following our checklist can help ensure it’s prepared to take on the cold. Here are the 11 parts of your car you should winterize to prepare yourself for the cold.
1. Check antifreeze and cooling system
Before temperatures drop significantly, drain your cooling system and add new antifreeze (draining the car radiator and refilling it with new coolant should be done at least once a year)
Check the owner’s manual for the proper coolant level.
Make sure the reserve tank or overflow tank fluid levels are sufficient
2. Check tires
Check tires weekly for proper tread and recommended tire pressure (you’ll find the recommended tire pressure inside the driver’s side door, doorframe or in the owner’s manual)
Replace worn tires
All-weather tires are generally adequate for winter, but some states require vehicles to have tire chains or snow tires with studs, so make sure to check local laws
If you live in an area prone to snow and ice, consider winter tires, which are designed to better grip icy pavement
3. Replace worn windshield wipers
Replace worn windshield wipers, since sand and salt will be more prevalent on your windshield in winter weather
Replace wiper fluid with a winter mixture and maintain the proper fluid level
Consider winter wiper blades to help cut through snow and ice
4. Check brake pads and brake fluid
Check brake fluid levels and brake pads for wear and tear
Replace worn pads and rotors
5. Test car battery
Make sure battery cables and terminals are secure and free from corrosion
Test your battery by turning on the headlights before starting the engine – if they get brighter once you start the engine, schedule an appointment with a mechanic for further electrical inspection
If your battery is more than 3 years old, have it inspected by a mechanic
6. Check heater and defroster
Turn your heater and defroster on and off to make sure they are working correctly
7. Clean foggy headlights
Make sure all lights are clean and working properly
Clean lights off prior to driving in any type of precipitation
Replace headlights that are foggy, hazy or damaged to improve visibility
8. Check motor oil
Change motor oil and filter at recommended intervals
Heavier oils thicken at lower temperatures and may not lubricate as well, so consider switching to “winter weight” or less viscous oil
9. Inspect exhaust system
Replace or repair leaks and crimped pipes to help keep carbon monoxide out of the passenger compartment
10. Keep gas tank at least half full
To keep moisture in the gas line from freezing and for easier cold-weather starts, keep at least a half tank of gas in the tank
11. Periodically wash your car
Prevent road salt from damaging your car’s paint by washing your car during winter
Apply a fresh coat of wax to avoid corrosion
For better visibility, clear snow and ice from your car’s hood, roof, head and taillights before driving
Consider winter floor mats to protect your car’s carpeting
To protect car paint from winter mud, salt, and dirt, hose off your vehicle when there is a nice day
Along with these maintenance tips, make sure your vehicle has a winter emergency kit and the right auto insurance coverage before you hit the road this winter.
Any of the recommendations should only be done if consistent with the owner’s manual.